Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Final, Yet Not-So-Final, Farewell

Be forewarned: Melancholy makes an prominent appearance in this post.

Today was Melissa's last real day in Ohio, well, by know it was yesterday. We met up at BV one last time. I played the piano as she sat, like always, on top. I tried to force my fingers to play something happy, a jaunty tune to lighten the mood, but they would only play slow, minor chords of sorrow. We sat for a while, thinking the same thoughts; its over, these are the last moments. The whole reason we were there was for goodbyes and last hugs. As the band waded back into the band room we received happy welcomes and smiles from the group which I gladly returned. The mere fact that they didn't hate us for coming back was enough to put a smile on my face. Afterward, Emily, Melissa, Casey and I stopped at Rocky's to cool down and reminisce. We talked over Gelatis for a good hour-and-a-half but it could have been the blink of and eye. I've found that time flies not only when you're having fun but when you least want it to. Reluctantly, we made our way back to the car for what would be the final meeting of this small family.

Saying goodbye is, perhaps, the hardest thing I have had to do. It's funny, when you picture a final farewell, every word is perfect and the strings swell to a heart-wrenching crescendo as you go your separate ways. In reality, we are all working so hard not to break down emotionally; the most I could manage was a feeble hug and an, "I'll miss you," comparatively, pretty lame. Emily and I sank into the car, trying our best not to impede on what we both wanted to be a personal moment. And so, one brother and sister left another to say what needed to be said.

The ride home was silent except for the occasional sigh or sniff. I was glad, I was in no mood to talk. That was it. It was over. Or was it?

It is important to remember this: the ones who love us never really leave us. If we truly want to stay close, we will. That doesn't mean stopping time and refusing to move forward, it means carrying on, living life, always remembering that blood is thicker that water, after all, we are family.

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