Monday, May 12, 2008


Woah. It feels good to finally have enough time and energy to actually make a post. A lot has happened since my last post from Chicago, including my becoming very ill for the remainder of my Spring Break trip (hence the distinct drop in posts).

School is out and I am home from CCAD for almost four months. It feels great to have one year of college under my belt but leaving was just as hard as coming (but for different, almost opposite reasons). Today I start work at the Graphic Stitch in Marysville. My job is as a sort of in-house designer, workman, extra-set-of-hands. It feels nice to be offered money for the things that I would be doing anyway and the money will certainly come in handy; I'm saving up for a Study Abroad semester in England, Junior year.

I'm off. There will be a longer, more in depth post dealing with by prolonged absence and my feelings on BV's next graduating class soon.

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