Thursday, September 6, 2007

Stretch, Yawn; Repeat As Needed.

This is morning was one of those curse-the-alarm-clock, stub-your-toe, shampoo-in-the eyes kind of mornings. I didn't make it to bed until 1:00 last night so the 6:00 alarm seemed t0 c0me out of nowhere in the middle of the night. I did manage however, to finish my four sketchbook pages which are due today. Thursdays suck for me: 2D Design, Drawing and Art History. I bought my mammoth, eight-pound Art History book yesterday for an account-killing one-hundred twenty-two dollars. I honestly think that if you can return the book at the end of the year, in good condition, they should give at least some of that money back.

I can feel the workload growing already, and they keep telling us that our current assignments are the easiest we'll ever see. This is going to be rough. I miss jazz band; I had "On Green Dolphin Street" stuck in my head for the majority of Digital Design yesterday. I miss the music, the relaxing, anything-goes atmosphere but most of all, I miss the people.

Thanks to Emily for my fantastic Chipotle gift card, complete with "Shoes" parody.
Good Luck to Heidi in her final Cross Country meet.
Good luck to Anna, Casey, Davy, Emily, Heidi, Lee and everyone else for Friday night. You guys have one hell of a show put together and I am really proud.

To everyone else, miss you all. Stay in touch. See you later.

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