Friday, August 3, 2007

BV Horizon

Well folks, it's up. The new BV website design took it's first breath of fresh air about three hours ago after being cooped up in my PC for more than two months. It is entitled BV Horizon because, from a visual standpoint it is much cleaner, much clearer as if you were standing on a mountaintop gazing off into the horizon. Ha! What a load of crap. I named it that because it sounded cool (sort of like Windows Vista).

Naming aside, I really hope you like what we've been able to cook up. The look is definitely different but better, I think. We're still converting some pages to the new style but all-in-all, things are looking good. If, while poking around, you come across anything that doesn't work or is wrong or missing, you can bypass the Feedback Form and come straight to me through the comments of this post. A little praise wouldn't hurt either.

We need content, bad. So if you (or your parents, or anyone you know for that matter) would like to become a regular contributor to the site, please let me know. This means you would send us pictures, briefs, game scores, concert dates; you name it, we need it. Even if it means a few pictures and the score from the football games each week, any help is appreciated immensely.

So, browse around, try the BVSearch, check for spelling mistakes (!) but most of all, don't be afraid to have some pride in your school.

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