Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wednesdays Trump the Rest

Yesterday was, by far, my favorite day so far. Even with an 8:00 3D Design class, it was an awesome day. I'm really lucky that the majority of my classes are with Sam. Something about a familiar face in each new situation makes things a little easier to swallow. I travel to my core classes (Painting, Drawing, 3D, 2D) with the same "family" group of people. Luckily for me, they are all cool people who know what they're doing. So far, college life hasn't been too bad. This, I believe, is a plot to lure us into a false sense of security just before they pull the big red lever sending avalanches of work careening perilously our way (wow, that was exciting). I do feel like this is the watered-down version of college but even so, I think I could handle a little more. This would just mean a little less Facebook an a little more sketchbook.

During lunch yesterday, the Denny Griffith, the President of CCAD sat down right next to me and began to eat his sandwich. He's a great guy, really funny and genuinely interested in everyone and their experiences. We talked about my trip to Europe and when Mr. Griffith found out it was with my Spanish class, we proceeded to converse completely in Spanish complete with correct tense and pronunciation. It was great, bizarre, but great.

My second and final class of the day, Digital Design and Type is the reason why I applied to CCAD. The class is perfect for me, for instance, our first assignment is a report about a font. Perfect, I know.

Well, I'm late. Today's a killer.
Miss you all. Stay in touch. See you soon.

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