Sunday, August 26, 2007

First Impressions

I've always heard first impressions are everything. They dictate how people will see you later on and how willing they will be to call themselves your "friend." So far, based on first impressions alone, the people here are decent. My roommate is a funny guy who has introduced me to some equaly-hilarious websites. He is a gamer. I am not. But other than that we get along fine. Frankly speaking, I am definitly at a disadvantage for not being into gaming (or drinking, or partying). Everyone here is, oh well. Today is a low-key day. Not much is going on anywhere on campus until later on tonight. CCAD is hosting an 80's Night (yippie) after our Housing Orientation. It should be interesting. Needless to say, I do not own any eighties-style clothing, and even if I did, I would not have thought to bring it here.

By chance, I walk down to lobby eariler today and a group of people were sitting around watching a movie. I sat down awkwardly only to realize that the movie was "Drumline." I smiled. A good omen. I miss band a lot, not only the people but the activity, the sense of accomplishment. So far, all I have accomplished is getting the mini-fridge to work. I'm looking forward to classes. Maybe then, I will have something to keep my mind from shutting itself down from boredom.

Sam moved in today. It's great to see a familiar face, however briefly.
Miss you all. Stay in touch. See you soon.

1 comment:

Havasnak said...

Remember the speech you gave at the 8th grade breakfast about making friends? Don't forget to live by your own words. You'll find people who love you for you, don't worry.