Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Wow. That's really all I have to say.

I picked up my MacBook today and after only two hours of play-time I am in awe. Their ads don't lie; Macs really are clean, simple, easy and fun. Right now, I am still in the investigatory stage, clicking around, still discovering what everything does. iChat is amazing. Is it sad that I derive so much pleasure out of the fact that an instant messaging service has spell-check? My heart leapt with joy when I saw that little red line appear under "Haha." What's even better is that the spell-checker adapts to your IM slang; so when you frequently use "Haha," it decides that you obviously mean to spell it that way and stops underlining it. From what I've heard, the great thing about Macs is that they assume you are a bright person. Unlike PC's they don't ask you the same questions over and over looking for reassurance that you know what you're talking about, they assume that you do, which is nice.

Unfortunately, my Photoshop CS3 had a few strings attached and therefore won't ship until the middle of next month, which I guess is okay seeing as I won't have much time for it anyway. I move in today, which is a little unnerving. I don't have everything ready; I've been in a kind of denial, as of late but it's ebbing away slowly, gradually revealing the reality of the situation. It only just recently hit me how much I will, in fact, miss my family (which had a lot to do with the aforementioned denial). I knew all along that I would miss my friends, I've been with you day in and day out for so long but the thought of life without an Emily to joke around with, a mom to talk to or a dad to be there for me is staggering. Liberating, yes, but sad too. I'm excited to see just what dorm-life entails. I have a lot of pre-conceived notions that I hope (for my sanity's sake) are false. We shall soon see.

Well, today's a big day and much rest is needed (although putting down this laptop is tough).
As always, miss you all, stay in touch, see you soon.

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